NorthBay Patient Portal Log In –

Do you want to log in to NorthBayPatient Portal? Accessing the NorthBay Patient Portal is a great way to check your medical records or make an appointment. Sign up for the NorthBay Patient Portal if you’re new.

This article will show you how to log in to the North Bay Patient Portal. Check out the registration process and password reset options. For any additional assistance, we have provided a NorthBay customer support phone number and email ID.

About The NorthBay

Solano County is home to North Bay Health. Local physicians and civic leaders teamed up to open a local option for advanced medicine close to home in 1959. It is a nonprofit, locally managed health care provider that provides compassionate care.

How to Login to the NorthBay Patient Portal

To login to the NorthBay Patient Portal, please follow these instructions:

Step 1: First click on the “” tab on the left-hand side of the main website.

NorthBay Patient Portal

Step 2: Under “Patient Portal,” click on “Log In to the patient portal.”

NorthBay Patient Portal

Step 3: Enter your NorthBay account number (which can be found on your billing statement) and password.

NorthBay Patient Portal

Step 4: Click on “SIGN IN.” Your account will now be logged in.

MyNorthBay App

Download rhe MyNorthBay App:—

Google Play Store:

App Store:


We have covered everything related to NorthBay patient portal login, signup, and customer support. If you still have any issue, you can reach out to us and we will try to help you in every possible manner.

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